The planned amendment to the Road Transport Act


15.05.2024 r.

The planned amendment to the Road Transport Act

The Ministry of Infrastructure has commenced work on amendments to the Act of September 6, 2001, on Road Transport.

The changes aim to regulate issues related to commissioning national and international road transport of goods, as well as cabotage transport by entities involved in transport as freight forwarders or consignors. The amendment will seek to eliminate unfair practices involving commissioning road transport to entities that do not have the appropriate permits or licenses.

The commissioning entity for road transport (e.g., a freight forwarder) will be required to verify whether the carrier to whom it intends to entrust the transport has the necessary authorizations.

Another planned change worth noting is imposing on the transport commissioning party the obligation to issue and provide the road carrier with a document confirming the commission. The commissioning party will also be required to retain documentation related to the transport for 5 years, calculated from the end of the calendar year in which the commission was issued.

The planned amendment aims to eliminate unfair practices that may have had a negative impact on the market. Additionally, the catalogue of fines for specific violations is to be supplemented, including by establishing new sanctions in the form of fines for non-compliance with the obligations introduced by the draft law.

Currently, the proposed changes are in the advanced planning stage, and this stage opens the way for thorough public consultations, during which interested parties can provide their comments or objections. This process aims to enrich the amendment with practical observations and suggestions from entities in the transport industry.

