
The Council of Ministers adopted a draft law amending the law on sea fisheries

The project has adopted new solutions aimed at improving the functioning of sea fisheries inspections and harmonizing the procedure and standards of their operation. One of the new solutions will be the appointment of the Chief Inspector of Sea Fisheries with the seat in Słupsk, which as a central government administration authority will be created […]

From 1 January 2019, the taxation of seafarers working for New Zealand shipowners will be changed

In connection with New Zealand’s ratification of the MLI Convention (Multilateral Instrument to Modify Bilateral Tax Treaties), from January 2019 the regulations concerning the settlement of income earned by Polish seafarers from work with New Zealand shipowners will be amended. The method of avoiding double taxation will be changed from an exclusion method progressively to […]

On 10th August 2018 the President of the Republic of Poland signed updating of the Inland Navigation Act of 21st December 2000.

According to this amendment of the law, the Inland Navigation Administration will be reorganised, including the reduction of the number of central offices from the currently existing eight to only three – seated in Szczecin, Bydgoszcz and Wrocław. The other five offices will be converted into delegations. This reform is related to the new tasks […]

The legal status of the Caspian Sea has been regulated

The legal status of the Caspian Sea has been regulated on Sunday (12 August 2018), the summit of the Caspian countries signed the Convention regulating the legal status of the Caspian Sea, which since now, had been a complex political and legal problem in international relations. The Caspian Sea, by virtue of a signed document, […]

6. International Maritime Congress

Maritime economy, investing in the seaside real estate, innovation, ecology – these are only a few subjects of the sixth edition of the event that will bring to Szczecin entrepreneurs, managers, experts, and decision-makers from all over Poland and Europe. The event will take place on the 15th and 16th June 2018. Our Law Firm […]

Happy Easter!

May you be blessed with succes, prosperity and happines always!   The RG & Co. team

New legislative aid for the Polish shipyard industry

Poland will provide new forms of aid to its shipyards, thanks to the new Act on Stimulating the Shipping and Complementary Industry. The main purpose of the act is to encourage the growth and development of Polish shipyards by introducing specific legal, organisational and financial measures aimed at supporting Polish maritime sector, and through establishing […]

Wywiad z mec. Maciejem Grudzińskim na portalu

Na stronie branżowego portalu ukazał się wywiad z mec. Maciejem Grudzińskim dotyczący specyfiki pracy z prawem morskim i ciekawymi zagadnieniami z zakresu shippingu. Mec. Grudziński odpowiadał na pytania dotyczące aresztu statków, ubezpieczeń morskich czy najczęstszych szkód powstałych w transporcie morskim. Serdecznie zapraszamy do lektury:

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